Get Involved

Do you ever wonder how to get involved in all Mckenzie Comer related activities? Do you want to help promote Mckenzie in your country, but aren’t quite sure how to?

Here are some ideas on how you can get involved:

      1. Spread Comer Love
      2. : This means that when a song or album comes out on itunes, you buy it as many times as you can & help to spread the words about that!

      1. Buyout
      2. : A Buyout is an event in which fans from the same country/state gather in one location to purchase all the copies of an artists CD’s. Be sure to contact other fans in your area, so that as many people as possible can come.
      1. Make Posters
      2. : Put them up around your school, neighborhood, or anywhere else you think might be a good place.
      1. Make Videos
      2. : Get Creative. Make a Youtube Account and make a video promoting her single, album, music video, or magazine .
      1. Tell a friend
      2. : Tell someone you know like your friend ,family ,relatives about Mckenzie Comer. Get them to watch or buy her songs.
      1. Request on the Radio
      2. : Look up your local radio station and request Mckenzie' song (We’ll soon be putting together a “requests” page, where you can find all the radio stations where you can request her songs.)